A Message from James 5:13-20 by Pastor John Wallace on March 22, 2020, during the Shelter in Place order issued in Santa Clara County CA to limit the spread of the COVID-19 viral outbreak.
Candlelight Christmas Eve

Join us on Wednesday, December 24, at 6 PM, for a Candlelight Christmas Eve for the whole family. We’ll join with Rosewood Community Church (1397 W. Hedding St., San Jose) at their facility. We’ll sing your favorite Christmas carols, tell the Christmas story, light the Advent wreath, and have cookies and warm beverages afterward. We hope you’ll join us!

Grace Fantastic

Beginning October 13, we’ll be studying the magnificent grace of God as expressed by the Apostle Paul.
We’ve all done things of which we’re ashamed. Yet, because of the grace of God, we don’t have to live in shame perpetually. No matter what you’ve done, God’s grace is sufficient to forgive any sin and to transform anyone! He can free you from the shame of your past.
Please join us Sundays at 9:30 AM.
The Book of Daniel
In 587 BC, Jerusalem was sacked and its residents were forcibly transported from their homeland to Babylon. The Book of Daniel describes the experiences of these exiles.
Through the example of Daniel and his Jewish contemporaries, we learn how to love and to serve our neighbors while remaining loyal to God in the midst of a culture steeped in national idolatry.
Please join us at 11:00 AM this Sunday.
Love Your Neighbor
A New Series begins Sunday, October 21, 11 AM
Who are my neighbors? What are they talking about? What are their interests? needs?, fears?, aspirations? How can I serve them? How would Jesus love them? You are invited to come and explore these questions with us.
Campbell CA 95008