Henry Ford famously quipped, “History is more or less bunk.” Winston Churchill wrote, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” These quotes remind us of both the danger and the value of history. Humans can craft “history” to justify a course of action. On the other hand, we can learn from history to avoid the consequences of an unwise course.
In the book of 2nd Chronicles, we are presented with the stories of the kings of Judah following the breakup of the United Kingdom of Israel, ruled by David and Solomon. In these stories we see both the blessings of loyalty to the LORD as well as the consequences of compromise and rebellion.
In this series we’ll survey the history of Judah and consider the experiences of a number of her kings, some faithful and some unfaithful to God. We’ll draw lessons on how we are to live and how we can be loyal to God and love our country without succumbing to national idolatry.
Please join us online via Zoom or in person, Sundays, beginning May 23, at 10:00 AM, meeting during the month of May at True Hope Community Church, 400 Llewellyn Ave, Campbell. Please remember that masks are still required indoors.
Join us live or via Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/326832680?pwd=OC9EWlFNMlFZbzlqb3hNM09iRVg3QT09.
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