Hungry for live church?
On Sunday, Oct. 11, at 10 AM, we invite you to join us on our courtyard or live via Zoom. Pastor John will share a message entitled, “What the Powerful Do Not Know”, from 1 Corinthians 2.
Anyone is welcome, up to county limits. Those who attend will need to be symptom free, have their temperature checked, sanitize hands, wear a mask, and maintain a safe social distance of six feet from others who are not members of their household. We do this to maintain the safest possible environment for our guests. It’s working! We’re meeting and having a blessed time with a small group.

Campbell CA 95008
400 Llewellyn Ave
Campbell CA 95008
Drive around to the back parking lot and enter through courtyard entrance.
If you’d rather check us out via Zoom, join online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/326832680?pwd=OC9EWlFNMlFZbzlqb3hNM09iRVg3QT09.
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