Greetings True Hope Community & Friends,
In light of the current surge in COVID-19 cases in Santa Clara County, we have temporarily discontinued our courtyard meetings at True Hope Community Church.
Please join us Sunday morning, July 26, at 10:00 AM, via Zoom. We’re in Week Two of a 12-week series on the Psalms. Please read Psalm 1-18 in preparation for this Sunday. This week’s message is entitled, “A Love for All Seasons”. If you’d like a study guide to dig deeper, order Psalms: A 12-Week Study (Knowing the Bible), by Douglas Sean O’Donnell, available at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Psalms-12-Week-Study-Knowing-Bible/dp/1433540983.
Join Zoom Meeting on your computer: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/326832680?pwd=OC9EWlFNMlFZbzlqb3hNM09iRVg3QT09
Join by phone: +1 (408) 638-0968 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 326 832 680
Password: 073250
Watch livestream via YouTube: https://youtu.be/QvT94HTYPxg.
Thank you,
Pastor John
Mobile: 408-680-6599